What are my goals for 2012? 3 days in and I haven't quite decided yet. I could try to do the 100 paintings again. I did learn a lot about how to accomplish the task. A couple of main things:
1. Work Small - Stick to 8"x 8" or under. 6" x 6" is better. Something that can be finished in one sitting, whatever size that is for you.
2. Dedicate time to paint! - I don't like to plan. I like to be spontaneous. This often leads me to unintentionally procrastinate and things slip through the cracks. This task forced me to plan ahead and schedule my week. Thank goodness for my set studio class time that I had each week for most of the year. I will take that class as long as they will let me just so I have that time dedicated each week!
So, how did it all turn out in retrospect? You be the judge. Keep in mind that I'm blowing the dust off of around 10 years of no painting.
Here's the first painting of the year:

Here is #47:

PS -The guy, Adam, whose blog inspired me to attempt 100 paintings in the first place? He started in March and did it again! 2010 and 2011. Wow! Go check him out.
Update: Snapshots of the whole year.

Way to go Dawn! That's a pretty remarkable difference and those last ones are fantastic. Your pomegranates were great and No. 38 is so, so good. Looking forward to the new ones.