Friday, January 2, 2015

30 in 30 - Day 2

30 in 30 Challenge
Day 2
Mexico Beach 2
Oil on Canvas Sheet
5” x 5”

Day 2 was also painted while on location on the beach! It’s painted on a flat piece of canvas, not stretched, but would look nice framed.

30 in 30 - Day 1

30 in 30 Challenge
Day 1
Mexico Beach 1
Oil on Canvas Sheet
5” x 5”

Day 1 was a first for me in a couple of ways! This is my first 30 paintings in 30 days challenge and also, this was my first experience with plein air painting. I painted on the beach! I received a very generous gift card to my local art supply store for Christmas and with upcoming beach trip for New Year’s Day planned, I spent part of the card on an outdoor set up. Honestly, this may be something I never would have purchased for myself otherwise.

I tried to limit my palette and really only bring necessities. Here is the result of my first effort. It’s painted on a flat piece of canvas, not stretched, but would look nice framed.