Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Some Men Are Baptists

Some Men Are Baptists
24" x 24"
Oil on Canvas

I attended a car show with my father over 4th of July weekend this summer. I was blown away by the car and attention given to these classic cars and when I spotted this lovely 1941 Oldsmobile, I knew I would have to paint her.

The title comes from A Christmas Story. Grown-up Ralphie narrates, "Some men are Baptists, others Catholics. My father was an Oldsmobile man."

Seems appropriate.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I Painted All Weekend!

What a productive weekend!

I rarely have a weekend with no big plans. It seems like there's always a race or a game to attend or something going on. This past weekend I had one early appointment on Saturday and the rest of the weekend was wide open. So I decided that I would paint as much as possible.

In my head I imagined that it would go something like this... around noon on Saturday, fed and well caffeinated, the muse would blast into my head and the next 36 hours would be a unfettered painting frenzy! Not quite, BUT I did get a solid 12 hour of painting in before bed on Sunday night. And I am extremely pleased with what came out of it.

The first thing I worked on was this purple pear. I had just bought the paint (Cobalt Violet - Gamblin), I had to use it! So, VALUE STUDY TIME!

Who says a pear can't be purple?

After the value study, I moved on to full color:

Single Pear
5" x 5"
Oil on Gessoboard
Click here to bid in auction

With the pear and the following rose, I worked from still life set up on the coffee table with a desk lamp providing the lighting:

New Rose
6" x 6"
Oil on Gessoboard
Click here to bid in auction - Begins 9/26

That was it for Saturday! Sunday was spent working on this...

This is the 3rd session for this painting. I've spent around 12 hours on this one now. i've been posting progress pics on Facebook.  Check them out!

So there you go. I would love to have a marathon painting weekend, minimal sleep, stopping only for bathroom and food breaks! I've heard of artists that challenge themselves to 12 in 12 hours or 24 in 24 hour challenges. I wonder if I would have what it takes to do that. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Three Pears

Three Pears
6" x 6"
Oil on Gessoboard
Click to Bid
I'm happy with this one. I began with an ocher ground wash, sketched the shapes in with my brush and raw umber. My goal was to keep from getting overly detailed.

The Baby of the Family

The Baby of the Family
6" x 6"
Oil on Gessoboard
Click to Bid