Wednesday, October 12, 2011

#31 - Three Pears

#31 - Three Pears
14" x 11"
Oil on Canvas Board
(Needs drying time. Will be ready to ship on Oct. 26th)

So this one began as a contest entry. I had forgotten the painting that I was currently working on when I went to my studio class that week. However, a contest was announced during class. Paint fruit or vegetables. It had to be 14" x 11" and it was due the next day. I worked as fast as I could, but couldn't meet the deadline. So this board sat with one complete pear, one about 30% complete and one still blank.

I've got a small list of paintings that I need to do stacking up and this one kept looking at me. So I took about an hour and a half last night and finished this one. And I really like it. Mainly the dark/light contrast.

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is wonderful Dawn. Love the strong contrasting colors. Composition is great too. I'm into warm, potent colors. In the piece i just finished yesterday I play a lot with oranges and yellows. So much fun!
