Saturday, November 8, 2014

Mundane Glory - "Flavor"

6" x 6"
Oil and Gold Leaf on Gessoboard

I recently discovered gold leaf. My idea with this potential series is to shine a little glory on everyday objects. Things you may not pay too much attention to, but deserve their moment. If you want to feel metaphorical, this could be me trying to balance my introverted side with the part of me that can sometimes be an extrovert.

Friday, November 7, 2014


Oil and Gold Leaf on Gessoboard
6" x 6"

This is the 2nd portrait of my friend Becky. For the first time, ever, I experimented with gold leaf and I am very happy with the results. It adds a depth to the portrait and depending on where the light is, the painting changes. I left the light pretty dramatic in the photo to demonstrate the effect. The 'light spot' changes depending on the source direction.

The palette for this one is raw umber, titanium white with a touch of yellow ocher, ultramarine blue.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Oil on Gessoboard
6" x 6"

My friend and co-worker Becky was in my office one day recently and let me shoot her picture. I've painted two paintings from her images and this is the first one.

I used a limited palette of titanium white, yellow ocher, alizarin crimson, napthol red and ultramarine blue. I started using Pthalo Blue at first, but switched it up about half way through when I became frustrated by the results I was getting.